Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer selections: Summer purses...

My goal with this blog is to have a different and unique feature once a week or every other week. This week I will be discussing my Summer line of knit wear. I have often heard the comment, "Knits are for winter." This week, I will be featuring all of the lovely items that work wonderfully in any summer wardrobe.
The purses that I make are each handmade with a unique lining inside. The purses are are made with 100% cotton yarn, making them lightweight. My summer line of purses are also made with bright colors. I have included my newest purses. Take a moment to tell me which is your favorite and why. This will help me provide the type of items that my customers are looking for.


  1. I love it! Everything is so pretty. I used to think that knits are for winter also, thanks for changing my perception. That yellow one is so bright and cheerful.

  2. I am loving that yellow one also. It looks perfect for the spring and summer, plus its one of my favorite colors :)

  3. Wow...I am glad that you all are liking what you see...All my prices are very affordable...check out my facebook for more info...

  4. very cute! I love the colors of your purses.

  5. So adorable and colorful! I just mentioned these in my latest blog post :)

  6. Thanks for all the compliments and for adding my blog to your page...
